Declaration of Accessibility

Statement on accessibility

The Institute for Art and Architecture strives to make its website barrier-free in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act in its current version (Web-Zugänglichkeits-Gesetz (WZG) idgF), which implements the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (; Official Gazette 327, Dec 2, 2016, 1).

This statement on accessibility applies to the website

Status of compatibility with the requirements

Considering the incompatibilities and exceptions listed below, this website partially fulfils the requirements of Level AA Conformance of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.1 and the applicable European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08).

Non-barrier-free contents

The contents listed below are not barrier-free for the following reasons:

Incompatibility with accessibility regulations

1) The website is a subpage of the barrier-free website and used for the presentation of projects developed within the institute. All relevant information can be accessed barrier-free at

2) Many PDF documents are not yet barrier-free. They are not tagged, for example, so that screen readers cannot understand and use them or are only able to do so to a limited extent. Voice markups and alternative texts are missing. Thus, WCAG success criterion 4.1.2 (name, role, value) is not met. We intend to make all PDFs in the current section of the website barrier-free by October 2023.

3) Some videos have no subtitles so that the spoken content is not available for hearing-deaf users. Thus, WCAG success criterion 1.2.2 (captioning recorded) is not met. Most videos being art videos, there is often no correlation between image and sound.

4) Pictures and slideshows have no alternative text as most of them are of artistic nature and have no explanatory function for the contents.

5) The fold-out navigation menu cannot be opened via the keyboard. Yet the view without style allows to select or skip navigation elements.

6) The archives of projects, events, news, research projects, etc. are not barrier-free. Please let us know if you have difficulties with specific entries or documents. We will prepare the content barrier-free on request.

Drawing-up this statement of accessibility

This statement was drawn up on April 11, 2022.

The assessment of the conformance of the website with the Web Accessibility Act for the implementation of the requirements of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 was carried out in the form of a self-test according to WCAG 2.0 at Conformance Level AA in April 2022. The start page, an overview page, the search, and the search results were examined. Individual page contents are regularly checked by the web editors when new content is published.

Feedback and contact details

Please inform us by e-mail if you notice any barriers that prevent you from using our website, including problems that are not described in this statement and shortcomings in terms of compliance with accessibility requirements. We will check your request and contact you as soon as possible.

Please send all messages and suggestions to with the reference “Reporting a barrier on the website”.

Enforcement procedure

In case of unsatisfactory answers from the above-mentioned contact, you may turn to the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and submit your complaint. The FFG accepts complaints electronically via the contact form.

Contact form of the complaint office

The complaints are examined by the FFG to determine whether they relate to violations of the requirements of the Web Accessibility Act, in particular shortcomings in compliance with accessibility requirements, by the federal government or an institution affiliated with it.

If the complaint is regarded as justified, the FFG is liable to make recommendations to the federal government or the legal entities concerned and propose measures to remedy the flaws in question.

More information on the complaint procedure

Institute for Art and Architecture
© 2022