Platforms for doing nothingBaltic BioregionalShifting GroundsBuilding Post-ConflictDrahomíra F. in the SpaRelaxation as a political necessity and act of resistanceVienna (Material) StoriesThe Actual 66th Chapteror the void as »Antienge« in Georges Perecs Life: A User’s ManualSpace,
Queer-Feminism and
DemocracyEmbodying Social PolyphonicsOur Happy LifeI am rootA Laboratory for Ignored TechnologyPure Poor Architecture Biedermannsdof VariationsIn the Waste LandCharging the TerrainUnsteady GroundThe Breathing Ground(sub-)terranean architecture as an environmental instrumentRuins talking backFabricating RuinsThe Accident MuseumThe CommissionArchitecture Of The HeavensThe Dystopic CampingThe PitOf Fluvial Events And Interstitial SpaceDer ganze Heldenplatz zirkaQuerschnitte und Projektionen eines demokratischen RaumsLiminal MemoirThe Political Ecology of the Spit Land Art Survey - Relazioni di terra: PRATO D’ARTE MARZONAVerzegnis, Italy Off-GridArogenesisTrajectories through interzonal spaces??See-ing RotterdamThe city as a stageWaiting for SchouwburgpleinSee-ing Rotterdamwhen barbarians build…See-ing RotterdamRotterdam Camera ObscuraCollected ImagesSee-ing RotterdamRiverrunLetting the Wienfluss out to playDefinitions of an IslandLa Strada NovissimaEmbodiment! Discourse! Performance! Enactment! City's EndThe discovery of Vienna's urban border spacesGround of CuriositiesEntering a vessel under the groundBetween Stone and AsphaltOn Street, a report Theories of ExoticismProgramming the DesertThe City is the New ForestSixteen voices in fourteen projectsSampling a No-Waste Architecture in the CountrysideA World full of Drama and PotentialQuestions of Building. Buildings of Questions9-14 MayHave you eaten yet?(de)staging woman*nessA Feminist Exploration of Dwelling and Domestic Interiors in Post-Communist Bucharest, Romania... im Garten der Lüfterethinking the urban airscape of Naschmarktparkplatz Das RiedArchē and Archives in a Bog between Bordersa house-for-all testing grounds for an inclusive architectureDiagenesis
A Choreography for Architectural Sedimentstagträume an der schaummaschineDiagenesis
In between SynchronicitiesDiagenesis
The GhostDiagenesis
Blind ArchitectureDiagenesis
Ground ExpansionsThe Political Ecology of the SpitA Time to Keep in SchwarzortThe Political Ecology of the SpitHaute VoléeThe Political Ecology of the SpitBattery City AthensBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsShading the Baroque GardenUnbuilding the Augarten ParkBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsGardening is LabourMultispecies EntanglementBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsThe Ring of Biodiversityno monument is an islandBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsWays of WaterRefuge for Plants and AnimalsBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsKrongartenA biodiverse oasis replaces the space for two carsBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsNotes on Concert Halls and Chamber Music Rooms Thermal GardenArchitecture of FilteringReport From Outer Spacethrough the looking glassvon realitäten und anderen hirngespinstenEpistemology of Exoticism Forest and GardenTANKEDRecare of ResistanceTANKEDAn Ark in a Sea of TarTANKEDThe StayTANKEDSeeking the RootsTANKEDQueer Bodies in Queer SpaceTANKEDHealing GroundTANKEDFORM of a museum,
or: every day (in) (a) museum BodyspacemotionthingsFirst SemesterBodyspacemotionthingsQuestions of Buildings Buildings of QuestionsMore Notes on House, Kitchen, Brain, Bodyand Gastro-esophageal Vestibule5 GivensMore Notes on House, Kitchen, Brain, BodyUrban Scotoecologies IICity of BedsBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceCreating resilient EnvironmentsThe Wall As A HabitatBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceAtlas of the BeeBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceMYBODYISATOOLSHEDBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceHousingTaking the WatersDas Wasser nehmenTaking the WatersHOOKUPUrban ScotoecologiesHOOD140Sceneries of Intrusion Pictures in Motion in the Context of the Camera ObscuraA Room with an OutlookA cinematic reconstruction of everyday spatial routines (... as prompted by Marcel)Negative LandscapesAlpine ApparatusNegative LandscapesTerritories of the Post-AnthropoceneNegative LandscapesThe Kardex SystemNegative LandscapesTheatre of the CarNegative LandscapesPhantasmography IISpaces of AccumulationGarbage NationPhantasmography IIStructures of Accumulation Agricultural Theatre, El EjidoPhantasmography IIBody Tracesa sensual inquiry of spaces of fearPhantasmography IIArchitecture and Ongoing Discontents Radio Palladio On ReconstructionArchitecture and Ongoing Discontents Radio Palladio On MonumentalityArchitecture and Ongoing Discontents Radio Palladio On GuiltArchitecture and Ongoing Discontents Hook-UpWays of Knowing a Building In Search of Hansen's GridWays of Knowing a Building The Science of DocumentationWays of Knowing a Building The Science of SectionsWays of Knowing a Building Live PhenomenaWays of Knowing a Building Collage ModelWays of Knowing a Building From the CityWays of Knowing a Building Urban ScotoecologiesMediator of StimulationShades of Exploration and RetreatGo Ahead28–30 June Beyond the FenceA Proposal for an alternative Production of Urbanisation in China's temporary Hybrid LandscapesMnemoscapeLandscape as Collective MemoryTowards a new liminality A series of explorations of beings in constant changeDeserted Islands
Tales from the Public SkyReclaiming Bathing Culture Body . Water . City HITZE TAKES COMMANDA counter-narrative to the single-family house paradiseSpace-BeingsPhantasmographyPrototyping ParadisePhönixteich notationsPrototyping ParadiseExposure of AffectionPrototyping ParadiseRestructuring RitualsDeveloping a routine with a friend Prototyping ParadiseSlapstick ParadisePrototyping ParadiseSmashup TooSymbiotic GardenSmashup TooThe Resonance of the RuinSmashup TooHead in the CloudsSmashup TooCoalesceSmashup TooGroundswellThe banal and the specificPlay in Ottakring and HernalsGroundswellGestures of UnsealingGroundswellSpaces of ProductionGroundswellA Building??Unter der Hohen Brückedigging in a ditch, writing for a placeThe traces we leave behind222 x 222Design from the inside out SmashupDesert TheoryShadow Wind and Mirror TalesStudies on potential functions of shadows, winds and mirrors in the urban wilderness of nearby futures Book of HitzeThe Good LifeI am wearing Hedwig's woolVenus in FursHeterogeneVenus in FursHabitatCladVenus in FursHeat, Ice Cores, Manganese NodulesHybrids in BecomingSympoietic relationships within bodies, environments and societiesLaniakeaAn Intergalactic PhenomenonArchitects in the Neoliberal Age Voices on the present stateRaumparkFaux Terrain ViennaCity CoolingPerceptual GroundsCollective Memory as an Archive of Urban IdentityHeat Takes TimeBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise
Open City SpongeBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise
Pteridomania. The Time GardenBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise
In-Between EnclosureBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise
Faux Terrain ViennaCity CoolingHeat, Ice Cores, Manganese Nodulesinto the woodsVirtual silviculture in a real forestThe City as a HouseThe Dissolution of my EyeReality doesn't need meImmaterEalityArchive and Platform for Digital ArtTwo Structures in Outer SpaceOr, how to distribute /in/visible resources?RaumparkFaux Terrain ViennaDONAU - PARKRaumparkKOIT / WOAMThe Generation of a Ritualistic CommunityRaumparkabout the logic of the vagueRaumparkSeven States of ChangeRaumparkCor_a_lescenceRaumparkRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureBack to the WoodsRe-evolving the forest back into the urban environmentRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureGrowing MazeRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureUrban Waste TowersRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureStadtverwaldungLearning from Beuys?if crops run free StadtverwaldungExhumation, a Tree KatasterStadtverwaldungMoosgraben. Immersive journey through the forestStadtverwaldungCircular Garden (hortus conclusus)StadtverwaldungBurning Down the HouseConstruction and CombustionComposter
WildfireBurning Down the HouseThe Beauty Keeps Striking Me Burning Down the HouseA Total DeforestationBurning Down the HouseA Forest and a City are the SameBurning Down the HouseThe Projected MindCognitive Processes and their Digital TracesThe Spatiality of FoodSpeculations towards a new Urban HospitalityDusts ChambersNeue Altstadt,
Frankfurt / MainGeschichte einer AnreicherungBelgrade's radical marginsThe political past and the post-political cityThe Shape of TimeTowards a crypto-architecturePost-historical DreamingMotion/EmotionThe essence of gardensKeimeno