I am rootA Laboratory for Ignored TechnologyPure Poor Architecture Biedermannsdof VariationsIn the Waste LandCharging the TerrainForm
Ambivalences of ModernityThe Competition
of Competitions
Unsteady GroundThe Breathing Ground(sub-)terranean architecture as an environmental instrumentRuins talking backFabricating RuinsArchitecture Of The HeavensRotterdam Camera ObscuraCollected Imageswhen barbarians build…The city as a stageWaiting for SchouwburgpleinDer ganze Heldenplatz zirkaQuerschnitte und Projektionen eines demokratischen RaumsLiminal MemoirBordering PlantsBArch + MArch CMT at Sustainability ForumMaterial for the Future??City's EndThe discovery of Vienna's urban border spacesGround of CuriositiesEntering a vessel under the groundBetween Stone and AsphaltOn Street, a report Queer Bodies in Queer SpaceAn Ark in a Sea of TarSampling a No-Waste Architecture in the CountrysideA World full of Drama and Potential
Nasrine SerajiInterviewTom AvermaeteInterviewUdo MaierhoferBionic Extremity ReconstructionHave you eaten yet?(de)staging woman*nessA Feminist Exploration of Dwelling and Domestic Interiors in Post-Communist Bucharest, RomaniaDas RiedArchē and Archives in a Bog between Bordersa house-for-all
testing grounds for an inclusive architecture
Wiener HitzeArchitecture and Storytelling in Times of HeatTerritorial AgencyClimate Peace5 GivensThermal GardenArchitecture of FilteringReport From Outer Spacethrough the looking glassvon realitäten und anderen hirngespinstenInvisible SymposiumRuptured LandscapesKLIMA AKTION OKTOBER x IKACare and RepairRuptured LandscapesThe Wall As A HabitatAtlas of the BeeMYBODYISATOOLSHEDGarbage NationStructures of Accumulation Agricultural Theatre, El Ejidoignored technologyGestured and Spoken Knowledge Exchange FormatAmbivalences of ModernityThe architect and City Planner Roland Rainer Between Dictatorship and Democracy
Radio Palladio On MonumentalityRadio Palladio On GuiltRadio Palladio On ReconstructionMore Notes on House, Kitchen, Brain, Bodyand Gastro-esophageal VestibuleUrban Scotoecologies IICity of BedsBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceCreating resilient EnvironmentsHousingTaking the WatersLive PhenomenaThe Science of DocumentationHOOKUPTheatre of the CarThe Kardex SystemTerritories of the Post-AnthropoceneAlpine ApparatusThe Science of SectionsHOOD140Negative LandscapesArchitecture and Ongoing Discontents CoalesceHead in the CloudsThe Resonance of the RuinSymbiotic GardenExposure of AffectionSlapstick ParadiseGo Ahead28–30 June Spaces of ProductionGestures of UnsealingThe banal and the specificPlay in Ottakring and HernalsBeyond the FenceA Proposal for an alternative Production of Urbanisation in China's temporary Hybrid LandscapesJutta WeberTinkering with the 'Theoryless': The New Epistemology of Contemporary AIMnemoscapeLandscape as Collective MemoryDeserted Islands

Tales from the Public SkyReclaiming Bathing Culture
Body . Water . City
HITZE TAKES COMMANDPeter SellarsThe Architecture of Injustice, and the Architecture of JusticeHITZE 2

A counter-narrative to the single-family house paradiseUnter der Hohen Brückedigging in a ditch, writing for a placeThe traces we leave behindSmashupDesert TheoryShadow Wind and Mirror TalesStudies on potential functions of shadows, winds and mirrors in the urban wilderness of nearby futures Book of HitzeI am wearing Hedwig's woolVenus in FursHybrids in BecomingSympoietic relationships within bodies, environments and societiesLaniakeaAn Intergalactic PhenomenonArchitects in the Neoliberal Age Voices on the present stateRaumparkFaux Terrain ViennaCity CoolingTACK talksCommunities of Tacit KnowledgeCircular Garden (hortus conclusus)Moosgraben. Immersive journey through the forestif crops run free Exhumation, a Tree KatasterHITZE 2Perceptual GroundsCollective Memory as an Archive of Urban IdentityHeat Takes TimeVenus in FursClothing as a layer between skin and buildingBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise

Faux Terrain Vienna
Heat, Ice Cores, Manganese NodulesInto the HeatUrban Waste TowersGrowing MazeBack to the WoodsRe-evolving the forest back into the urban environmentCor_a_lescenceSeven States of ChangeKOIT / WOAMThe Generation of a Ritualistic CommunityDONAU - PARKA Forest and a City are the SameA Total DeforestationThe Beauty Keeps Striking Me into the woodsVirtual silviculture in a real forestThe City as a HouseComposter
The Dissolution of my EyeNerea CalvilloHeated PollutionPhilipp BlomNature's Mutiny - Nature and Culture in Times of Climate ChangeVandana ShivaOtto Wagner Lecture 2019Earth OthersFilmscreening with Vandana ShivaHITZE 1Two Structures in Outer SpaceOr, how to distribute /in/visible resources?RaumparkFaux Terrain ViennaRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureStadtverwaldungLearning from Beuys?Burning Down the HouseConstruction and Combustion
Philippe Rahm Recent climatic architecturesThe Projected MindCognitive Processes and their Digital TracesAlessandra Cianchetta | WorksThe Spatiality of FoodSpeculations towards a new Urban Hospitalityexhibition.on.ressourcesDusts ChambersNeue Altstadt,
Frankfurt / Main
Geschichte einer Anreicherung
Polyannular CyclideCharleroi RoulantA bio-urban processblank #1 Donnerstags in der BibliothekWas bleibt von der Weltbürgermoderne? Der Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst am BauhausBilder der Stadt kartierenDear Werner Herzog
Sonia Leimer | Architect, Artist | Vienna
Communities of Tacit Knowledge | Horizon 2020The Provocation of the Standstill
Kerstin Meyer | Economist, Activist | Berlin
Aldo Rossis Konstruktion des WirklichenEine Architekturtheorie mit WidersprüchenTransforming PracticeMaster ThesisUselessnessIs this humankind's most valuable tool?Dimension X The society of the dronesBelgrade's radical marginsThe political past and the post-political cityEmiliaThe Trauma MachineInterpretations of the Renaissancein the Post-war Italian Modern Architecture DiscourseWays in which to model spatial practicesCerteau’s vehicles and Lefebvre’s balconyThe Magic Mountain of Austro MarxismA fictitious discussion of the ideological critique of Red ViennaIch bin Otto Wagner!Antonio Negri Otto Wagner Lecture 2018The Shape of TimeTowards a crypto-architectureDas Rote Wien und die Wiener Moderne. Zur 'Veralltäglichung' der Utopie
Wolfgang Maderthaner | Historian
Promise of the FutureFragmented Narrative for a Post-Labour SocietyPost-historical DreamingMotion/EmotionThe essence of gardensKeimenoManfredo Tafuri und die Ideologie der Form im Roten Wien
Johan Hartle | Art Historian
Relationen: Texte und Bauten What Beings are We?Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky
Marc Bois | Historian
Curating the UrbanOn Spatializing Urban Conditions grenzgangRethinking DensityArt, Culture, and Urban PracticesThe Architecture of a BurrowA spatial translation of Franz Kafkas short story “The Burrow”The disappeared valley
Reconciliation with the landscape
The Ephemeral InfiniteINTRA SPACEThe reformulation of architectural space as a dialogical aestheticMonument / VirtualityA virtual cultivationImage of Fragile Traces | Reflection of Fragile TracesRoman Bath at Praterstern in ViennaNEST: New Schools of ThoughtArchitectural education in times of academic homogenisationEntwerfen ErforschenDer „performative turn“ im ArchitekturstudiumBIG!BAD?MODERN:Four Megabuildings in ViennaRESEARCH OBSERVE MAKEAn Alternative Manual for Architectural EducationDesign ParadigmPerforming the Architectural Design ProcessBig!Bad?Modern:Four Mega Buildings in Vienna