Ruins talking backRotterdam Camera ObscuraCollected ImagesThe city as a stageWaiting for SchouwburgpleinDer ganze Heldenplatz zirkaQuerschnitte und Projektionen eines demokratischen RaumsLiminal MemoirBordering Plants(de)staging woman*nessA Feminist Exploration of Dwelling and Domestic Interiors in Post-Communist Bucharest, RomaniaThe Science of DocumentationThe Science of SectionsArchitecture and Ongoing Discontents Perceptual GroundsCollective Memory as an Archive of Urban IdentityThe Spatiality of FoodSpeculations towards a new Urban HospitalityWas bleibt von der Weltbürgermoderne? Der Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst am BauhausThe Dialogue Between Bauhaus and Vienna CircleThe Architectural Design of HistoryStill cold?The dialogue between Bauhaus and Vienna circleSpheres, Pedestals, VitrinesThe Architecture of HistoryBelgrade's radical marginsThe political past and the post-political cityInterpretations of the Renaissancein the Post-war Italian Modern Architecture DiscourseThe Magic Mountain of Austro MarxismA fictitious discussion of the ideological critique of Red ViennaIch bin Otto Wagner!Das Rote Wien und die Wiener Moderne. Zur 'Veralltäglichung' der Utopie Wolfgang Maderthaner | HistorianKeimenoManfredo Tafuri und die Ideologie der Form im Roten Wien Johan Hartle | Art HistorianRelationen: Texte und Bauten What Beings are We?Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Marc Bois | HistoriangrenzgangThe disappeared valley Reconciliation with the landscapeImage of Fragile Traces | Reflection of Fragile TracesRoman Bath at Praterstern in ViennaBIG!BAD?MODERN:Four Megabuildings in Vienna