Biedermannsdof VariationsIn the Waste LandCharging the TerrainFabricating RuinsThe Accident MuseumThe Political Ecology of the Spit Land Art Survey - Relazioni di terra: PRATO D’ARTE MARZONAVerzegnis, Italy Off-GridArogenesisTrajectories through interzonal spaces??Definitions of an IslandTheories of ExoticismProgramming the DesertThe City is the New ForestSixteen voices in fourteen projectsDiagenesis

A Choreography for Architectural Sediments
tagträume an der schaummaschineDiagenesis In between SynchronicitiesDiagenesis The GhostDiagenesis Blind ArchitectureDiagenesis The Political Ecology of the SpitA Time to Keep in SchwarzortThe Political Ecology of the SpitHaute VoléeThe Political Ecology of the SpitBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsShading the Baroque GardenUnbuilding the Augarten ParkBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsGardening is LabourMultispecies EntanglementBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsThe Ring of Biodiversityno monument is an islandBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsWays of WaterRefuge for Plants and AnimalsBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsKrongartenA biodiverse oasis replaces the space for two carsBuilding Biodiversity – Learning Biodiversity – Creating Biodiverse EnvironmentsEpistemology of Exoticism Forest and GardenBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceCreating resilient EnvironmentsThe Wall As A HabitatBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceAtlas of the BeeBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceMYBODYISATOOLSHEDBuilding Resilience Learning ResilienceHousingTaking the WatersDas Wasser nehmenTaking the WatersUrban ScotoecologiesNegative LandscapesAlpine ApparatusNegative LandscapesTerritories of the Post-AnthropoceneNegative LandscapesThe Kardex SystemNegative LandscapesTheatre of the CarNegative LandscapesPhantasmography IISpaces of AccumulationGarbage NationPhantasmography IIStructures of Accumulation Agricultural Theatre, El EjidoPhantasmography IIBody Tracesa sensual inquiry of spaces of fearPhantasmography IIUrban ScotoecologiesHITZE TAKES COMMANDPhantasmographyPrototyping ParadisePhönixteich notationsPrototyping ParadiseExposure of AffectionPrototyping ParadiseRestructuring RitualsDeveloping a routine with a friend Prototyping ParadiseSlapstick ParadisePrototyping ParadiseSmashup TooSymbiotic GardenSmashup TooThe Resonance of the RuinSmashup TooHead in the CloudsSmashup TooCoalesceSmashup TooShadow Wind and Mirror TalesStudies on potential functions of shadows, winds and mirrors in the urban wilderness of nearby futures Book of HitzeThe Good LifeHeat, Ice Cores, Manganese NodulesRaumparkFaux Terrain ViennaCity CoolingHeat Takes TimeVenus in FursClothing as a layer between skin and buildingBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise

Open City SpongeBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise Pteridomania. The Time GardenBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise In-Between EnclosureBurning Down the House II: Rekindling Paradise Raumpark
Faux Terrain Vienna
City CoolingHeat, Ice Cores, Manganese NodulesRaumparkFaux Terrain ViennaDONAU - PARKRaumparkKOIT / WOAMThe Generation of a Ritualistic CommunityRaumparkabout the logic of the vagueRaumparkSeven States of ChangeRaumparkCor_a_lescenceRaumparkRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureBack to the WoodsRe-evolving the forest back into the urban environmentRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureGrowing MazeRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureUrban Waste TowersRebuilding Viennese Environments with ArchitectureStadtverwaldungLearning from Beuys?if crops run free StadtverwaldungExhumation, a Tree KatasterStadtverwaldungMoosgraben. Immersive journey through the forestStadtverwaldungCircular Garden (hortus conclusus)StadtverwaldungBurning Down the HouseConstruction and CombustionComposter
Burning Down the House
The Beauty Keeps Striking Me Burning Down the HouseA Total DeforestationBurning Down the HouseA Forest and a City are the SameBurning Down the House